St. Angelina Community Health and Rehabilitation Centre (SACHARC) is a not for profit organization that was formed in 2011 by Martin & Sr. Angelina Buyeyi who mobilized a group of other women after making a thorough research on the facets that deeply affect vulnerable women/girls and OVCs in Manafwa and Namisindwa district respectively.

Its suffix to note that this organization was founded on the premise to address the appalling condition of the poor pregnant women that could not access ante natal, post natal and neo natal services and this led to serious catastrophic consequences hence putting their lives at very great risk.

The sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of women and girls between the ages of 10-25 were in an appalling state. Among others the rate at which young girls and or young women are being abused (GBV/VAW ) within the area thus increased rate of abortion and deaths, teenage school dropout, early and or forced marriages thus prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS being too high, and due their vulnerability and in a bid to address their financial foothold there has been high rate of these adolescent girls crossing to Kenya in search of jobs and even international sponsored travels programs by labor exporters that further subjected these girls to sex trade especially in the Middle East among others.

The centre thus was established to rehabilitate these vulnerable people and equip them with life sustaining skills and also empower them spiritually, mentally, and economically because one of the reasons for their vulnerability is abject poverty and the old fashioned traditional norms. SACHARC has been working by implementing various activities in the areas of human rights and good governance by promoting gender equality, education, health and sanitation so as to empower and ensure the security of the livelihood of the backward poor people of the society. At present, SACHARC is implementing various development programs with success in Manafwa and Namisindwa District.

Legal Status

SACHARC registered with –
  • Manafwa District Local Government as a CBO
  • National NGO Board –Uganda Ministry of Internal Affairs to operate as a local Not for profit Organization

  • Leadership and Management Structure