1. To establish small income generating activities and revolving funds to enable vulnerable women set up and sustain small scale business and /or other livelihood activities.

  2. To Prevent Further HIV infection in the communities by:- Peer education and community mobilization on issues pertaining to HIV, STIs, TB, common illnesses, and the use of VCT, PMTCT, and ART services.-Promoting the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT).- Promoting skills for personal protection, including zero grazing.

  3. To promote and produce IEC in the Health and Care department - Information, education and communication (IEC) for vulnerable groups for prevention of HIV infection;
    • Improve information, education and communication for the reduction of stigma and discrimination in the communities.
    • Provide IEC materials for ante natal and others associated with pregnancies and HIV and AIDS.
    • Provide health education among communities with regard to proper water sanitation.

  4. To strengthen and expand GBV (Gender Based Violence) programs .Structural inequities, violence and oppression render young women in rural Uganda highly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. Their decisionmaking powers, control over their bodies and sexuality, and access to sexual health resources are critically limited or wholly absent. Yet, prevailing HIV/AIDS programming emphasizes individual behavior change to combat HIV/AIDS at the expense of wider societal considerations.

  5. To provide information that effectively guides actions to eliminate preventable maternal mortality at health facilities in the community and Strengthen early infant diagnosis (EID) services for HIV Exposed Infants (HEI).Infants acquire HIV infection most commonly through mother to child transmission (MTCT) during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or breastfeeding. Owing to rapid progression of HIV disease among infants, early infant diagnosis (EID) and treatment remains the hallmark to ensure infant survival. In many settings, follow-up of HIV-exposed infants has been poor and the uptake of virological testing remains limited. EID has increasingly become a priority for PMTCT and paediatric HIV care/treatment programs that SACHARC will advocate for.

  6. To strengthen advocacy for individuals, groups and networks in pursuit of better health regarding SRHR, HIV/AIDS, MNCH, and support towards the plight of vulnerable women/girls and OVCs.

  7. To Strengthen Existing Systems for Prevention of Child Marriage by Investing in a Model with Potential to Affect Reduction in Child Marriage and further address issues pertaining vulnerable children protection.