This is through a Rural as well as urban Micro Credit schemes. The main goal of the micro credit of SACHARC is to create the opportunity for self-reliance and promoting durable development by providing the financial and technical assistance and training for income generating activities by organizing the poor people especially vulnerable women residing in village and urban areas. SACHARC is working on programs that provide micro credit aid with flexible conditions to its member as per their demand in order to implement income generating and job creating programs and forming capital for the future by savings through VSLA in order to make the backward poor people self-reliant.

At present,the organization is crafting an implementation plan with a view of achieving the following;
  1. Creating the opportunity for micro credit and improving the skill of the poor people especially vulnerable women of the village as this is one way of empowering them.

  2. Assisting the potential micro credit women consumers to become the entrepreneur for durable development so that they can favorably compete with men on the same footing.

  3. The provision of development support services to women under the vulnerable group development (VGD) programme for 2018-2020 cycle
  4. The vulnerable group development (VGD) programme is the largest social safety net programme of the Government of Uganda that exclusively targets ultra-poor households. One of this organizations objective is to cater for the plight of over 50,000 direct ultra-poor families in eastern Uganda that are in dire need of the household and a development support services (inclusive of life skills and income generating skills training, savings and access to credit). Even when this venture has been adopted by the central government in the “Prosperity for all” it’s been marred by corruption and the illiterate vulnerable women and girls have not benefited from it.
    Hence to ensure sustainability of development results and to provide women with opportunities to further improve their livelihoods VGD participants ought to be mainstreamed through regular CBO/NGO development programmes in their respective cycles and or associations.

  5. To make ‘positive change in livelihood of ultra- poor women with attention to protect further deterioration of living condition.
There has been inadequate sensitization on the SRHR. Also, besides formal education, there is a strong need of arrangement of part-time education with income generating work beside the formal and regular education in order to bring them under the net of education. Moreover, there is a need of creating awareness activities widely to resist child labor, sex trade and drop-out from the school with this especially among adolescent girls.