1. Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring is a key component of the programming of St. Angelina Community Health and Rehabilitation Centre (SACHARC). This acts as a quality assurance mechanism to support management decisions. SACHARC in this case is monitoring its programs in order to determine the effectiveness of the activities and to support improvements and refinements. The monitoring procedures are carried out periodically, on an on-going basis through agreed information collection methods.

2. Human Resource Development

The most valuable asset of SACHARC is its own skilled workers. That’s why SACHARC emphasizes with highest priority on the development of the workers. For this reason, a human resource policy is available for the organization. As per the human resource policy, various procedures are continuing in order to strengthen the skill of the workers, qualification, and accountability. So SACHARC is now emphasizing on the development of workers through the development of organizational management of the workers, planning of the programs, conquering any difficulties while implementation in reality. There are 11 staff members highly skilled,5 are paid and the rest are volunteers with impeccable rich experience in organizational work, that aid the permanent staff in the successful implementation of our projects. The capacity to hold them on a permanent basis is inadequate due unaffordable remuneration.

3. Leadership capacity Development

Another important resource of SACHARC is the local citizen organization in the procedure of program implementation in the work area of SACHARC. This is our thought that there is no alternative to social entrepreneurship in order to make positive change. There are various training, orientation are provided for the our local advocates/peer leaders at every local council level sub county/ district level in order to implement the activities of the organization and various activities are taken in order to improve their skill by their participation in meetings and seminars/workshops.