The public hygiene and sanitation situation is alarming in part due to lack of community public health systems, improper guidelines and absence of planning. For this reason, SACHARC, with the assistance of Japan, is playing a vital role for achieving the goal of sanitation coverage by establishing a village sanitation center.

SACHARC is implementing this program to create the awareness for safe water distribution and the activities of sanitation and to help to set-up alternate technology for arsenic free safe water side by side, it intends to ensure the following; Ensuring safe water and sanitation system for rural population. Creating awareness regarding personal health care.

We are in the process of carrying out the reconstruction and upgrade of 6 Eco-san toilets and 3 tube wells at 3 schools. This will include 1 eco-san training and 15 class sessions for awareness and 3 advocacy meeting. This is an important part of public health to ensure safe water, sanitation and personal health. The condition of healthful sanitation is still far backward from the satisfactory level from the perspective of healthful latrine coverage. Our children spent most of their day time in the schools side-by-side.

But the sanitation facility of those schools is in a worrying situation. In this situation, SACHARC is taking the initiative to ensure safe water and hygienic toilets of 3 rural village schools in Tororo and Namisindwa districts through the upgrade and reconstruction with the assistance from charity organizations which is to commence in February 2018.

Moreover, an initiative had taken to ensure an important issue like health education with the guardians, teachers, and other concerned stakeholders with the scope of the project. This project intends to achieve the following objectives:
  • Ensuring safe water system for rural primary students.
  • Ensuring hygienic sanitation system for rural primary students.
  • Reduce the mortality rate among mothers and infants and related HIV/AIDS transmission
  • Creating awareness regarding personal health care and hygienic sanitation for rural primary students through skill development of teachers.
  • Ensuring sustainable development through advocacy meeting with local government, Education department, and school management committee.