The Center seeks to ensure women’s empowerment and dignity within the community through participation in decision making process. No program can play fruitful role for the development of the people by keeping the ordinary people out of the development process. There is a need of increasing public participation in development process and capacity building for the grass-root women.

In order to achieve this goal, SACHARC is on campaigning program in national and grass-root level with other partnering organizations through their network with other civil society organizations to “Promoting Pro-Poor Policy Reforms and Public Services for All.

  • Creating accountability on government expenditure in the public service sector and establishing economical justice through creating consciousness and skill of active social civil society on participatory budget.
  • Increasing the accountability of Government for this by transforming essential service sector specially health and education sector as the basic need.
  • Making awareness among the strategy maker to submerge the climate change into development program.